I am a member of Post Crossing, the internet project which allows people to exchange postcards: you send a postcard and you receive it back from a random postcrosser. After one year I came up with an amazing idea that the back of the postcard might be not less interesting than a picture on it. I thought it would be interesting to ask people to write anything they know about Lithuania or Lithuanians, to collect all these comments on one blog and to creat from them kind of e-puzzle of my native country.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Any surprise is welcome

I can't wait for the first postcard matching to my blog. 
What do you know about Lithuania or Lithuanians? 
Spontaneosly. Without googling it. Without asking your friends. And please - no cheating.
If you don't know anything at all, if you have never heard that name, it is ok. It is also kind of message.

In the meantime - a short story from my own experience. In Rome, in the class of Italian language, I met one Chinese guy. It was almost 10 years ago and at that time I had a habbit that most of the foreigners didn't know that much about my country (''-Lithuania? Where it is?''). And what a surprise - that guy was so interested in Lithuania, in its history and especially ... in Samogitian horse breed, he couldn't stop talking about it. Wow! That was a real surprise. Worth to remember even after so many years.

Looking forward to a new suprise!

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